Thursday, June 23, 2011

suka mnjawab yee AZZIRA ni :/

today , in my class .

teacher say : lmbatnye buat essay .

kalo time prikse tuh kjap je kamu wt essay .

then , Azzira pon bersuara :)

time prikse bnyak idea teacher :)

then teacher say back to me :-

amboi Azzira , suka mnjawab yeee .
nnti kalo PMR , ta yah jwab kt kertas

pegi dkad pngwas peperiksaan tuh , jwab guna lisan je

then , teacher pon bebel bebel  :)

yg comel kt atas tuh is my teacher <3


paling suka dengar die bebel :)

just want to share : AZZIRA ta pnah dpat A paper ENGLISH ;)


bebel sini sayang !

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